Terms of Service

  • All prices are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change without notice. Prices are available by contacting As One Australia. 

  • GST is applied to relevant services and products and will be included in the quoted fee for service of product. Most health care services are GST exempt, except in certain circumstances, whereby the service is not for the rehabilitation of an injury. Goods supplied with your rehabilitation may be GST exempt under certain conditions. Please speak to your clinic if you require any confirmation.

  • By attending your appointment with an As One Australia practitioner, you are providing implied consent to the assessment of your condition. Your therapist will seek further consent to commence treatment.

  • As One Australia collects details for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to treatment diagnosis and treatment, marketing, personal communication and account management. By working with an As One Australia provider and providing these details, you give consent to As One Australia to use them in a respectful manner, under the Australian privacy principles, Spam act and Privacy Act.

  • As One Australia adheres to the ESSA guidelines on patient privacy and confidentiality. 

  • From time to time, As One Australia will use your details to be in contact with you for appointment reminders, update emails or letters, marketing emails, newsletters or general interest pieces. Each of our communication avenues gives you the ability to unsubscribe, alternatively, you can contact As One Australia to be taken off the contact register. Whilst we adhere to the Spam Act, and we try as best as reasonably possible to comply with your requests. If you have any issues, please contact info@asoneaustralia.au

  • As One Australia holds the data of its clients to the utmost level of security. We use third parties with exemplary records of data management and security to keep your records safe. If you would like to have any of your data removed, for any reason, please contact us.

  • All private accounts are payable at the time of consultation. Approved Third Party Payable accounts may be commenced under appropriate conditions. These include but are not limited to; approved Workers Compensation Claims, approved Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, and approved and current NDIS plan.

  • Travel costing is determined via the NDIS guidelines , charged in 5 minute increments based at the therapist hourly rate. This is capped at a maximum of 30 minutes travel.

    Additional expenses (i.e. things that are not included as part of the Participant’s NDIS supports) are the responsibility of the Participant or the participant’s representative and are not included in the cost of the supports. Examples of these include entrance fees, event tickets, meals, etc.

  • Payment is to be made at time of consultation. As One Australia accepts various forms of payment, including cash and direct deposit - reference invoice number.

  • All appointments that are requiring moving or cancellation should be done so 48 hrs in advance. As One Australia reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of no more than the cost of the appointment. If you are running late for an appointment, depending on therapist availability, you may be only able to receive the outstanding time of your appointment for treatment.

    For NDIS based appointments, the participant must also give 48 hours notice if they cannot attend a scheduled appointment. If the participant fails to give 2 days notice the scheduled appointment will be billed from the supports on the participant’s NDIS plan.

  • As One Australia makes no guarantee of effect of treatment. All therapists are appropriately trained in their field and will make every attempt to assist in the rehabilitation of injury, in the treatment of pain, or in the coordination of health care. In the event that the outcome is not to plan, the client agrees that service has still been given, and no refund should apply.

  • Under the NDIS, As One Australia abides by a certain set of regulations and service agreement standards that are separate to these terms of service.

  • By signing your service agreement, you also consent to the use of your images for assessment and treatment application, liaising with stakeholders, which may include online platforms, such as social media. Verbal confirmation and consent will additionally be requested at the time.

    I understand that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time and have my images deleted or removed.